Sebagian besar proses pengobatan dan proses menjaga kesehatan adalah sesuatu yang ilmiah. Penyembuhan yang berdasarkan keajaiban, sebenarnya hanya keterbatasan akal kita untuk memahami proses yang terjadi, bukan karena adanya mukjizat.
Kefir adalah substansi yang secara ilmiah merupakan pangan fungsional yang luar biasa. Manfaat Kefir dapat diterangkan secara ilmiah, walaupun banyak hal tentang kefir yang masih berada diluar jangkauan pengetahuan manusia. Namun bukti empiris dapat digunakan sebagai suatu pendekatan ilmiah yang sederhana. Seperti seorang anak yang menyalakan sebatang korek api dengan menggoreskan pada sisi kotaknya, ia tahu bahwa korek akan menyala, tanpa tahu bagaimana prosesnya. Anak ini akan takjub melihat nyala korek dan bisa menganggapnya sebagai keajaiban.
Kali ini kami menyunting tulisan-tulisan khusus mengenai beberapa penyakit seperti maag dan diabetes, yang merupakan penyakit dengan insidensi yang sangat menonjol di kota-kota besar, dan di tengah kehidupan yang penuh konflik ini. Bagaimana dengan masalah-masalah kesehatan lainnya? Silahkan simak.
Semoga bermanfaat
KABAR GEMBIRA BAGI ANDA Penderita Diabetes Sakit Jantung Kanker Kolesterol Tinggi Hipertensi Kegemukan Maag, Gangguan Pencernaan dan lain lain. Kini anda dapat menjalani hidup sama sehatnya dengan orang normal yang sehat.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Panekuk Kefir resep dari Rusia (maaf bahasa Inggris njih)

There is more than one recipe for pancakes on this website, if you are looking for some other recipe, try here: all pancake recipes.

Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)

Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)
Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)
Oladi, or thick pancakes prepared from kefir based batter, is traditional russian breakfast food. Batter is easy to assemble and whole dish doesn’t take much time to cook.
Kefir gives a distinguishing taste to oladi, but it probably can be replaced with buttermilk in case you are having troubles finding kefir.
Oladi can be served plain or with some kind of a topping: jam, syrop or honey, as well as fresh fruits. I love oladi with sour cream.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of plain unsweetened kefir
  • 1 tbsp of sugar
  • 1.5 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • Sunflower oil

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: if you have troubles finding kefir (I usually take unsweetened kefir from Lifeway, getting it from Whole Foods) you can substitute it with unsweetened buttermilk:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 1
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 1
  2. Crack egg to deep bowl, add sugar and beat them until about tripled in volume, I advise using mixer to get results faster:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 2
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 2
  3. Carefully mix in kefir:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 3
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 3
  4. Sift and fold in all purpose flour:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 4
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add baking soda:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 5
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 5
  6. Batter should be thin enough so you can ladle it with a spoon and pour, but not too thick so pancakes don’t get too thin:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 6
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 6
  7. Warm up skillet with about 2 tablespoons of oil over moderate heat; ladle a bit of batter with a tablespoon and pour it to the skillet; repeat for several more pancakes:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 7
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 7
  8. Let pancakes to fry on one side until light brown color then flip them over using spatula and fry from second side until ready:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 8
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi) Recipe: Step 8
  9. Repeat with the rest of batter. Serve oladi warm with your choice of topping: any kind of jam or syrop will work good as well as honey; I like oladi with sour cream:
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)
    Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)

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