Sebagian besar proses pengobatan dan proses menjaga kesehatan adalah sesuatu yang ilmiah. Penyembuhan yang berdasarkan keajaiban, sebenarnya hanya keterbatasan akal kita untuk memahami proses yang terjadi, bukan karena adanya mukjizat.
Kefir adalah substansi yang secara ilmiah merupakan pangan fungsional yang luar biasa. Manfaat Kefir dapat diterangkan secara ilmiah, walaupun banyak hal tentang kefir yang masih berada diluar jangkauan pengetahuan manusia. Namun bukti empiris dapat digunakan sebagai suatu pendekatan ilmiah yang sederhana. Seperti seorang anak yang menyalakan sebatang korek api dengan menggoreskan pada sisi kotaknya, ia tahu bahwa korek akan menyala, tanpa tahu bagaimana prosesnya. Anak ini akan takjub melihat nyala korek dan bisa menganggapnya sebagai keajaiban.
Kali ini kami menyunting tulisan-tulisan khusus mengenai beberapa penyakit seperti maag dan diabetes, yang merupakan penyakit dengan insidensi yang sangat menonjol di kota-kota besar, dan di tengah kehidupan yang penuh konflik ini. Bagaimana dengan masalah-masalah kesehatan lainnya? Silahkan simak.
Semoga bermanfaat
KABAR GEMBIRA BAGI ANDA Penderita Diabetes Sakit Jantung Kanker Kolesterol Tinggi Hipertensi Kegemukan Maag, Gangguan Pencernaan dan lain lain. Kini anda dapat menjalani hidup sama sehatnya dengan orang normal yang sehat.

Monday 26 July 2010

Complete treatment for Diabetes Mellitus (Hypertension,Cholesterol and etc)

Kefir (Kefir Bening Reg.)

Kefir is a unique fermented Non fat milk drink, more correctly healthy food, used for generations in Asia and revered for its health promoting properties. Real kefir can be produced only by traditional methods at home and only from original grains. These original grains, slightly yellowish "cauliflower" like things, are cca 5000 years’ old bacterial culture originating either from the Caucasian Mountains or monasteries in Tibet . These real kefir grains are complex symbiotic colony containing more than 35 probiotic bacteria proven highly beneficial to humans.

Kefir is a natural probiotic. It contains live active cultures of normal flora that will actually repopulate your digestive tract and aid in digestion. Kefir grains were considered a gift from Allah (Mohammed) among the Moslem tribes-people of the Northern Caucasus Mountains . Kefir which is the milk cultured with such probiotic-jewels, has been credited with healing powers since the early eighteenth century. Kefir grains were passed from generation to generation among the tribes-people of Caucasus .
The Kefir has recently been used more then 200 diabetes type II patients. In 85% of all cases the blood sugar had reached healthy normal levels after 1 month. Severe cases needed medication for up to 2-3 months to achieve normal blood values. The overall success rate was 90% of all patients.

Kefir per bottle 600 ml, for 3(three) Cup.
2 months complete treatment:
- Regulates the body's immune system and improves resistance to diseases.
- Regulates the blood pressure, blood sugar and cures diabetes.
- Has a positive influence on the heart and blood, heals circulatory conditions.
- Heals the kidneys, the urinary tract and protects prostate.
- Has a positive influence on cholesterol.
- Supports enzymes production and heals the pancreas.
- Heals the lungs, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, allergies and migraine
- Produces its own antibiotics, eliminates unfriendly bacteria.
- Reduces anxiety, depression, increases energy and feeling of wellbeing.

Kefir also has a repair function on arteries, tissue and veins, which are often damaged in diabetes patients.
Dose: take 1 Cup Kefir, 3 times a day: 1(one cup) Before Sleep at night, 1(one cup) at the midnight, 1(one cup) Wake up in the morning
Full treatment:
- 1st phase: take Kefir for 60 days (2 months); by then the blood values should be normal. (If not, continue for a maximum of 3 months)
- 2nd phase: stabilize your blood values by gradually reducing Kefir over a period of 3 to 4 months.
- 3rd phase: stop treatment entirely and monitor your blood values regularly. Only if conditions show signals of reverting to diabetes, take low dose of Kefir to stop the progress.

Through Kefir, insulin production and secretion are regulated and the target cells' physiological reception of insulin is improved. After the re-adjustment of the insulin system, there is no life long treatment necessary; only occasional or periodical taking of Kefir may be necessary. Also, there are no known side effects.

Note 1: the progress of healthy depends on conditions of illness.
Healing Crisis (Detoxify):
If you experience what feels like an illness after using Kefir, chances are it is not a sickness, but a healing crisis. There is a big difference between an illness and a healing crisis. A healing crisis is a sign of improving health. When you encounter a healing crisis after using Kefir it proves that it is working!
You continued to improve day-by-day getting healthier and feeling better. At some point you may experience another healing crisis, but once it’s over you feel better than you have for years. As you grow healthier you may experience several healing crises, but each time you will feel better than before.
Exercise/Sport: jogging minimal three time a weeks (30 minute)
Additional Foods Containing Vitamin and Mineral may Support success the treatment recommended :( Pure Honey, Vitamin E, C, Aspilets, Ginkobiloba/Pegagan and VCO)

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