Sebagian besar proses pengobatan dan proses menjaga kesehatan adalah sesuatu yang ilmiah. Penyembuhan yang berdasarkan keajaiban, sebenarnya hanya keterbatasan akal kita untuk memahami proses yang terjadi, bukan karena adanya mukjizat.
Kefir adalah substansi yang secara ilmiah merupakan pangan fungsional yang luar biasa. Manfaat Kefir dapat diterangkan secara ilmiah, walaupun banyak hal tentang kefir yang masih berada diluar jangkauan pengetahuan manusia. Namun bukti empiris dapat digunakan sebagai suatu pendekatan ilmiah yang sederhana. Seperti seorang anak yang menyalakan sebatang korek api dengan menggoreskan pada sisi kotaknya, ia tahu bahwa korek akan menyala, tanpa tahu bagaimana prosesnya. Anak ini akan takjub melihat nyala korek dan bisa menganggapnya sebagai keajaiban.
Kali ini kami menyunting tulisan-tulisan khusus mengenai beberapa penyakit seperti maag dan diabetes, yang merupakan penyakit dengan insidensi yang sangat menonjol di kota-kota besar, dan di tengah kehidupan yang penuh konflik ini. Bagaimana dengan masalah-masalah kesehatan lainnya? Silahkan simak.
Semoga bermanfaat
KABAR GEMBIRA BAGI ANDA Penderita Diabetes Sakit Jantung Kanker Kolesterol Tinggi Hipertensi Kegemukan Maag, Gangguan Pencernaan dan lain lain. Kini anda dapat menjalani hidup sama sehatnya dengan orang normal yang sehat.

Sunday 6 January 2008

Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings)

There is more than one recipe for varenyky dumplings on this website, if you are looking for some other recipe, try here: all dumplings recipes.

Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings)
Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings)
Lazy Varenyky (lazy vareniki, fresh cheese lazy dumplings) is a dish of Ukrainian cuisine. To prepare it you will need fresh white cheese (tvorog, quark) which can be hard to find in a local shop, so try Ukrainian / Russian / Polish shops for more luck.
The word “lazy” in the name reflects the fact how fast and easy this dish is to prepare. It takes less then 20 mins from putting simple ingredients together till Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings are ready to be served, and that includes boiling.
Lazy Varenyky dish is good choice for children breakfast: they include fresh cheese – a good source of the calcium for growing body. And of course they are tasty, your kids will love them!


  • 1 lb of fresh white cheese (tvorog, quark)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp of sugar
  • All purpose flour, about 1/2 – 1 cup (for dough and preparation)
  • Salt

How to make, step-by-step:

  1. To prepare lazy varenyky (fresh cheese dumplings) you will need quark (fresh cow milk white cheese, in ukrainian/russian: tvorog). I had troubles to find it in US, so if you don’t have it in your local stores, ask in Russian / Ukrainian / Polish shops, most probably you will find it there:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 1
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 1
  2. You may find first several steps of lazy varenyky preparation very similar to the Fresh Cheese Pancakes steps. So we start with mashing fresh cheese in a bowl:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 2
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 2
  3. Add 1 tsp of salt, sugar and an egg and mix everything:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 3
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 3
  4. Add 2-3tbsp of all-purpose flour (if you like more dumplings add more of flour) and knead the dough:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 4
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 4
  5. Divide dough into 3-4 more or less equal parts, and form ball of each of them. Take one ball and roll it into the dough bar a bit smaller than 1 inch in diameter (remember fresh cheese dumplings will get bigger after they are boiled, so if you like smaller dumplings make diameter smaller), see the picture:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 5
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 5
  6. Slice the dough bar with a knife into the pieces about 1/3 of inch. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the dough:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 6
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 6
  7. Fill cooking pot with water and put it on the high heat burner. When water become boiling salt it and drop dough pieces into the water (make sure water is really boiling, otherwise dumplings may fall apart) :
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 7
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 7
  8. Wait till cheese dumplings rise to the water surface and let them to boil about 3 minutes more after this. Take ready fresh cheese dumplings out with a skimmer:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 8
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) Recipe: Step 8
  9. Lazy Varevyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings) are ready! Season them with a bit of butter and server with sour cream as a dip:
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings)
    Lazy Varenyky (Fresh Cheese Lazy Dumplings)
Bon Appetit!

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